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Replacement Window Manufacturing and Installation

Since 1955, Install America has been manufacturing superior energy-efficient windows in various styles, and we complete your project with trusted installation by skilled craftsmen. Our replacement window services are available throughout Mohnton, PA, Somerset, PA, West Berlin, NJ, College Grove, TN, and Gastonia, NC. No matter which state you live in, your windows are protected with best-in-class warranties that are transferable from you to the next person who owns your home.

bay window with wooden dining room set

Choose From a Variety of Window Styles

Your home is unique, and when it comes to window styles, you should have the flexibility to make choices that match your design preferences, light needs, and privacy requirements. Our commitment to manufacturing exceptional quality and energy efficiency means your windows will provide years of reliability. Plus, we can customize windows for any project. Our catalog of options includes:

living and dining room with large windows

We Stand Behind Every Window We Make and Install

Each of our windows comes with a double lifetime warranty because they’re designed to last forever. What is a double lifetime warranty? If any window we install does not work as expected, your window will be replaced for you and the next person who owns your home when you sell, backed by a Lifetime Warranty from Slocomb Industries. How’s that for a selling point to potential buyers? We hold 27 different patents for our windows and continue to innovate, incorporating the latest technology to offer homeowners the best. When you partner with us, you get uncompromising quality, the best window warranty, and the convenience of dealing with one trusted company.

Cut Out the Middleman

When you choose to work with Install America for replacement windows in PA, MD, NJ, DE, VA, NC, SC and TN, you’ll enjoy a hassle-free experience. We install every window we manufacture to guarantee a job done right. You won’t have to deal with any middleman or go back and forth between a sales company and an installer hoping everyone is on the same page. With us, you work with one window manufacturer and installer from start to finish. Contact us to schedule your free estimate for replacement windows today.

install america logo with stars

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